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FACE Your Fears Internal Dialogue for Aerobic Endurance

Dislike 0 Published on 25 Feb 2011

Use internal dialogue to help yourself through aerobic endurance events. Use the mnemonic F.A.C.E. your Fears. F (FOCUS) on your breathing to center yourself and get your pace. A (ASSUME) you will make the overall event and focus on a nearby target. C (COACH) yourself -- make sure that your form is efficient and like you practiced. Remind yourself of your goals and desire to win. Be aware of your E (EMOTIONS) especially negative emotions to turn them around. Negative emotions sap your energy. Use positive E-MOTIONS to keep you IN-MOTION. See more performance tips at http://clubfundamentals.wordpress.com. Club Fundamentals -- Core Skills for Peak Performance -- Developed for 1BCT/101st Airborne Division US Army